A Time to Move
Stand with your feet firmly grounded in the earth. Notice your connection to the earth.
Hold your hands in a prayer position in front of your heart.
Breathe deeply into this position.
Raise your hands above your heart in an outward stance reaching to the heavens. Breathe deeply into this position.
Bring your hands down to your sides, straighten them and breathe deeply.
Repeat the prayer position, the heaven-ward position, the hands at sides position, breathing deeply into each position as many times as you wish.
Notice how the body feels different in each pose.
Breathe in and savour the prayer of the movement of your body.
© Adapted from Going Deep by Doris Kizinna
Stand with your feet firmly grounded in the earth. Notice your connection to the earth.
Hold your hands in a prayer position in front of your heart.
Breathe deeply into this position.
Raise your hands above your heart in an outward stance reaching to the heavens. Breathe deeply into this position.
Bring your hands down to your sides, straighten them and breathe deeply.
Repeat the prayer position, the heaven-ward position, the hands at sides position, breathing deeply into each position as many times as you wish.
Notice how the body feels different in each pose.
Breathe in and savour the prayer of the movement of your body.
© Adapted from Going Deep by Doris Kizinna