Breath Prayer
Find a phrase
Look up a simple verse from Scripture, a prayer, poem or write your own phrase. Ideally, it is short and fits easily into one inhale and exhale. It might be useful to stick with a specific phrase for an extended period of time and learn it by heart.
God love, (inhale) fill my heart (exhale)
Nothing can separate us, (inhale) from the love of God. (exhale) - Romans 8:38-39
‘All shall be well, all shall be well (inhale) and all manner of things shall be well,’(exhale). - Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
Stop what you are doing and take a moment to be still, whether physically, emotionally or both.
Notice your breathing. Use the natural contours of your in and out breaths to pray your chosen phrase. As you inhale, you whisper or say in your mind the first line
of the phrase. As you exhale, you whisper or say in your mind the second line of the phrase.
Repeat step 3 at least three times, or for 1-2 minutes.
Find a phrase
Look up a simple verse from Scripture, a prayer, poem or write your own phrase. Ideally, it is short and fits easily into one inhale and exhale. It might be useful to stick with a specific phrase for an extended period of time and learn it by heart.
God love, (inhale) fill my heart (exhale)
Nothing can separate us, (inhale) from the love of God. (exhale) - Romans 8:38-39
‘All shall be well, all shall be well (inhale) and all manner of things shall be well,’(exhale). - Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
Stop what you are doing and take a moment to be still, whether physically, emotionally or both.
Notice your breathing. Use the natural contours of your in and out breaths to pray your chosen phrase. As you inhale, you whisper or say in your mind the first line
of the phrase. As you exhale, you whisper or say in your mind the second line of the phrase.
Repeat step 3 at least three times, or for 1-2 minutes.