Lectio Divina
Begin by selecting a passage of Scripture. Then take a few deep breaths, slowing down, and opening yourself to a time of prayerful listening.
Read through the passage of Scripture you have selected slowly, listening for a word or phrase that jumps out at you. Spend a few minutes in silence reflecting on that word or phrase.
Read the passage again this time listening for what God might be saying to you today through this passage?
Spend a few minutes in silence.
Read the passage for the third and final time, this time in the silence following reflect on what it is God is calling you to do or become through this passage of Scripture?
Begin by selecting a passage of Scripture. Then take a few deep breaths, slowing down, and opening yourself to a time of prayerful listening.
Read through the passage of Scripture you have selected slowly, listening for a word or phrase that jumps out at you. Spend a few minutes in silence reflecting on that word or phrase.
Read the passage again this time listening for what God might be saying to you today through this passage?
Spend a few minutes in silence.
Read the passage for the third and final time, this time in the silence following reflect on what it is God is calling you to do or become through this passage of Scripture?